Posted by: chasingwonderland | October 7, 2011

That Fake Part of the World

My Sister

One of the many things I learned from my mother through her action is to look at a person with the thought that he is inherently good.  I bear this in mind whenever I would meet someone new when I was younger and now, every time I face my customers at the store or chat with my bosses and teammates online.  It’s not foolproof I know but it is giving me a way to tolerate certain kinds of people so that I won’t have to burst out in anger when they do mean and cruel things.

I also believe in the GOLDEN RULE: Don’t do anything horrible to others unless you want bad KARMA to smack you right up your face a thousand times.  This is not a coward’s perception by the way.  This is trying to live decently, trying to make this world as endurable to others as possible.  Sadly, not everyone thinks the same.  We’re all complex individuals.  What works for me may not work for everybody.  And I understand that.  There are times when others’ actions (including my own family members’) make me stop short and say “What?!” disgustingly but I still manage to see some light somehow (sometimes it may take longer but I do arrive at a realization that everyone has his opinion and maybe what I do sometimes also solicit the same kind of disgusted reactions).

I would like to think that I’ve built my comfort zone around these principles and I’ve survived the angst-ridden phase of the 31 years of my life.  So nothing prepared me to the amount of malice and cruelty that some people are capable of doing to my sister and mother (indirectly to me) then overturn the situation as if they’re the victims just because they think they have the money and the power (over what, I’m not really sure).  It’s bullying in full form.  I don’t know what they’re really trying to accomplish (I mean we don’t have money nor are we part of a prominent clan) besides the fact that they’re doing this to show more people that they just CAN.

I asked my sister where it all started and she told me truthfully (but I can’t tell about the details here because there’s a case filed against my sister at this moment for Oral Defamation) like her life depended on each word.

You see, my older is sister is pretty.  She grew up thinking that she is (because she really is) but she’s also the most insecure person I know.  She developed a personality far from most people would stereotypically think a girl with a pretty face should have.  She cusses and shouts expletives at you whenever she hears you’ve been bad mouthing her.  She chose friends that didn’t really care about her.  They bullied her (I know because I’ve seen them.  Heck, I’ve even tried to bully my sister too because I was desperate to turn her into this typical older sister I want to have in my head).  They made stories about her (one such story is that she has acquired AIDS and I advised her to let it go when I shouldn’t have).

Whereas I would normally just let some nasty comment slide, she wouldn’t hear the end of it.  She’ll deliver her verbal pounce to whoever made the comment.  We’re too different and we’re often compared with each other.  I enjoyed being the “good sister” for a time, it was my vanity taking over me.  We often have our quarrels like most sisters do but we’re family so we try to patch things up for our mother.  It’s the common LOVE for our mamang that keeps us together.  And this kind of personality which my sister has, was what attracted these people to do whatever they did to her.

They called her CRAZY (they don’t know what really took place in her or our life to say that), they called her all kinds of things just because they’re different and she won’t bend for anybody.  They prosecute her because she has a foul mouth and she speaks her mind.  They casted stones at her like the people in the bible did to Mary Magdalene.  I wonder what made them think they’re any better than my sister (hence, to my mother and me).  I wonder why they think it’s OKAY for them to do this to somebody and totally think it’s UNFAIR if the same things are done to them.  It’s CRAP.  These kinds of people are CRAP.

I think, it’s during these times when you’re allowed to live out of the comfort zone, to STAND up for yourself, to DO what’s necessary.  It’s time to live with the idea that there are a few people who TALK about being good but showing otherwise in their actions.  It’s time to GROW UP, stop being naive and see the reality that not everybody is showing you their true colors.  There is a FAKE part in this world where you don’t really want to be but you need to pass through sometimes to test your character.

My family is stuck in this part right now.

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